Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tabrett Bethell is starring in "Sanctuary", coming in March 2011!

Tabrett shot a short film called Sanctuary back in October, directed by Benedict Samuel, her co-star is Xavier Samuel. It's produced by Azure Productions.

Nothing else is known about the film at this point, this is all they said on Facebook:
"Is working with Bene on Sanctuary and it is looking amazing...."
And on Twitter:
"Locked the cut on "Sanctuary""

I contacted one of the producers, Annmaree Bell, to find out a bit more. She was very kind and sent this answer:
"Tabrett is an amazing actress and we are hoping to have the film ready in March 2011.
I'll keep you updated with the details.

I'll post as soon as I find out anything else, but until then, keep an eye on these sites:
Azure's Facebook page
@Azureprodutions - Annmaree J. Bell
@GabrielDowrick - the film's editor.
Azure Productions' homepage.

The charity drive was successful!

Thanks to some really generous people, the goal was reached at the Tabrett Bethell Appreciation Project, then it was matched, so the final amount is $4,000 USD!

A big Thank You to everybody who contributed!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Paramount is publishing The Clinic in Australia!

Wow, I think this is really good news, grabbing a distributor like Paramount! From the film's Facebook page:

"Paramount releasing The Clinic on DVD on the 17th of Feb 2011 in Australia!"

Let's hope an international release won't be far behind either! Or that we'll be able to order it from other countries too.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sydney has been named a City of Film by UNESCO

Tabrett's home town, Sydney won the award this year, congrats to the talented people living and working there!

The full article from ABC is after the jump.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Deadline for the donations and updates!

Fantastic news!

When a donation is made in someone's name, Direct Relief International sends a "Tribute Card" to the honoree. To make sure the Tribute Card will reach Tabrett in time for Christmas, the deadline for the donations is: December 15, 2010.

Also, rhyfeddu got confirmation:

"We have matching funds! Any money we gather, up to our goal of $2000, will be DOUBLED!! Yep, that means we could have $4000 to give in Tab’s name. Keep the movement going, peeps!

Thanks to everyone who has donated so far! You’re all EPIC!"

Current Total: $896.00 USD
Goal: $2,000 USD

Donate here:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The donations will go to Direct Relief International!

The charity organization has been chosen, Direct Relief International will get the money Tabrett fans are donating right now. The organization is very involved in helping with the cholera situation in Haiti at the moment.

When a donation is made in someone's name, Direct Relief International sends a "Tribute Card" to the honoree. To make sure the Tribute Card will reach Tabrett in time for Christmas, the deadline for the donations is December 15, 2010.

Please, continue donating, it will go to a good cause, all of it!